NWMA has launched its own channel on YouTube to carry online services.
Click here to visit the channel.
The first programme on the channel is a united service of choral evensong for Sunday 16 August 2020. Music is provided by John Hughes, Neil Medland and the Malmesbury Abbey choir. The speaker is NWMA Mission Enabler Catherine Price, who talks about how God called the apostle Paul to bring the gospel to Europe, as described in Acts 16:1-15.
There are also contributions from the Revd Oliver Ross (Vicar of Malmesbury and Upper Avon and NWMA Lead Incumbent), Suzi Tipper, Upper Thames Benefice (Old Testament Lesson), Katherine and Aidan Bloomer, Draycot Benefice (New Testament Lesson), and Pauline Loveday, Upper Thames Benefice (Intercessions).
Please subscribe to the channel if you would like to receive notifications when new NWMA online services are uploaded.